Sunday, April 19, 2009

patsy's nilkki .034

i went out to open my twitter last friday.. and i got this:

oh well.. hahaha... cool.. this must be because of the CNN- Ashton thing... nyways.. we won so.. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s been so long since I’ve heard this name.
I was watching Dan in real life when this name popped up. Then I realized how long it has been since anyone called me this name. after high school people started calling me “Pat” or “Patsy” so all in all 9 years… oh well in those times they called my “Marie” minimally…. I kept repeating it over and over… “Marie… Marie… Marie…” but the usual ring to it was gone; it even felt like she was someone I knew. I keep recalling how it feels like, who she is, and what she does… But nothing… There is nothing… just that Marie was buried with my insomniac-nostalgic-heart breaking childhood… but damn it... I miss being her... She never cared about anything...but she suffered a lot, deprived, unloved, she was nothing… But I love her... It’s one of those things where you would say something like.. “gawd! I miss the old me…” well, I miss her…

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